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How I Solved Memory Leaks and Cut RAM Usage by 40% in Rust with Borrow Checker Mastery

Byte Blog
5 min readOct 23, 2024

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Memory management is one of the trickiest areas of programming, and when working in systems programming languages, it becomes even more critical. Unlike garbage-collected languages like Python or Java, where the memory is managed for you, languages like C and C++ leave the task squarely on your shoulders. Rust, however, takes a different approach. It offers the borrow checker, a powerful tool for memory safety without the overhead of garbage collection.

In this article, I’ll take you through how I solved memory leaks in my Rust application and cut RAM usage by 40% by truly mastering the borrow checker. It’s not just about avoiding the dreaded “use-after-free” errors, but also about optimising memory usage efficiently, something the borrow checker can help with if used correctly.

Memory Leaks in Low-Level Languages: A Recap

Memory leaks happen when a program allocates memory but never releases it, leading to gradual consumption of available memory and, eventually, crashes or significant slowdowns. In languages like C or C++, this is common because developers manage memory manually.

Rust promises “memory safety” without garbage collection, thanks to its ownership system. However, it’s still possible to misuse memory in subtle ways that increase RAM usage. These issues don’t usually manifest as hard crashes but can cause performance degradation over time.

Before diving into Rust’s borrow checker, let’s briefly revisit how ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes play together to prevent memory issues.

Rust’s Ownership Model and Borrow Checker

Rust introduces the concept of ownership to ensure memory safety. Each value in Rust has a single owner, and when the owner goes out of scope, Rust automatically deallocates the memory. No more dangling pointers or memory leaks.

The borrow checker comes into play when you try to share access to memory across different parts of your code. Rust enforces these rules:

  1. You can either have one mutable reference or multiple immutable references to a piece of data at the same time.
  2. Any reference must not outlive the data it refers to (lifetime rules).

This ensures that you never modify memory while someone else is reading it and prevents common concurrency bugs. But mastering these rules is what helped me optimise my code and reduce RAM usage.

The Problem: Subtle Memory Leaks in Rust

While the borrow checker can prevent explicit memory leaks, it won’t always prevent memory inefficiency. I had a service handling large datasets in memory and noticed that the memory usage was ballooning unnecessarily. No crashes or panics occurred, but the memory footprint was far too large.

At first glance, Rust’s memory management seemed perfect. I wasn’t leaking memory in the traditional sense, but I was keeping data around much longer than necessary. Here’s what was going wrong:

  • Over-allocated collections: Using Vec, HashMap, or other collections led to excess memory allocation that wasn’t always reclaimed promptly.
  • Unnecessary cloning: I was cloning large data structures without realising I could borrow them instead.
  • Dangling references to large objects: I held onto data in structures for too long, keeping it alive longer than needed.

Solution 1: Borrow Checker and Lifetimes to the Rescue

Rust’s borrow checker, when used correctly, forces you to think about how long data lives and who really needs ownership of it. The first optimisation came by reducing unnecessary cloning.


fn process_data(data: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
let processed = data.clone(); // Cloning unnecessarily!
// Do something with processed...

In the above example, I cloned the data unnecessarily. The clone created a full copy of the data, doubling memory usage temporarily. The borrow checker can help you eliminate such clones and safely borrow instead.


fn process_data(data: &Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
let processed = data; // Borrowing instead of cloning!
// Process data...

Now, instead of cloning the data up front, I borrowed it using a reference. This kept my RAM usage down by avoiding the creation of unnecessary duplicates.

Solution 2: Collection Sizing and Memory Efficiency

When dealing with collections like Vec or HashMap, Rust tends to over-allocate space. For example, when you push elements into a Vec, Rust allocates more memory than needed to avoid reallocating memory with every addition. While this is a good optimisation for most cases, it can lead to unused memory being left around.

Resizing collections helped me cut down on RAM usage. After each phase of processing, I could trim collections back to the size needed, using methods like shrink_to_fit().


let mut data = Vec::new();
// Adding large amounts of data...


let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(expected_size);  // Allocate the exact size
// After processing, trim unused space

By pre-allocating collections based on the expected size, I reduced unnecessary memory growth. Using shrink_to_fit() after the work was done reclaimed any unused memory space, effectively cutting down the program’s RAM footprint.

Solution 3: Using Smart References with Rc and RefCell

Rust’s Rc (Reference Counted) and RefCell (for interior mutability) are perfect for scenarios where you need multiple ownership without cloning data. They are especially useful in graph-like structures where multiple parts of your code need shared access to the same data.

For example, I was managing a shared resource that several functions needed to access. Initially, I resorted to cloning, but that spiked memory usage because of unnecessary duplications. Enter Rc:


let data = vec![1, 2, 3];
let data_copy = data.clone();


use std::rc::Rc;
let data = Rc::new(vec![1, 2, 3]);
let shared_data = Rc::clone(&data); // Shared ownership

Using Rc, I achieved shared ownership without the cost of deep copying the data.

Solution 4: Leveraging Option and Result Efficiently

In some parts of my code, I was using Option and Result types but left objects wrapped in Some() or Ok() states for longer than necessary. By taking ownership of these wrapped values instead of keeping references to them, I managed to reduce memory use further.


fn handle_data(data: Option<Vec<u8>>) {
if let Some(actual_data) = data {
// Process data

Here, by consuming the Option, I ensured that once I was done with actual_data, it was properly deallocated, freeing up memory sooner.

The Result: 40% Lower RAM Usage and No Memory Leaks

By the end of these optimisations, I managed to cut memory usage by 40%. I wasn’t leaking memory in the traditional sense, but I had been holding onto it unnecessarily, which was solved by mastering how the borrow checker and Rust’s ownership model work. Combined with proper collection sizing and shared ownership (Rc), I made my Rust code both memory efficient and safe.

Conclusion: Borrow Checker Mastery Is a Game-Changer

The borrow checker is one of Rust’s standout features, and once you master it, you’ll find that it not only keeps your code safe but also helps you write more memory-efficient programs. Reducing unnecessary clones, sizing collections appropriately, and using tools like Rc and RefCell are all strategies that make the most of Rust’s memory management capabilities.

Rust is a powerful language for systems programming, and with great power comes great responsibility. Learning to leverage the borrow checker is an essential step toward writing high-performance, memory-efficient applications. So next time you find yourself battling memory leaks or excessive RAM usage, remember that Rust’s borrow checker might be the magic wand you need.

Byte Blog
Byte Blog

Written by Byte Blog

Technology enthusiast with a passion for transforming complex concepts into bite sized chunks

Responses (4)

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Ownership and borrow detection has nothing to do with the lack of a garbage collector. A garbage collector is not needed because rust uses smart pointers just like c++ unique_ptr, shared_ptr and week_ptr. The big difference is that in c++ you have…

This is a great example of Rust's hidden costs. Most people assume it is faster and uses less resources but you have to actually think of how to handle each resource and leverage the zero cost abstractions to really benefit.

Great article btw.

In Solution 1 it looks like you are referring to some sort of mutation on the data values before being returned using a clone. My issue with that is data is immutable. Also returning the data with a clone still copies the data in memory.

I know…